Thursday, June 30, 2011

We Got A Crib!

After shopping all around we finally went and bought the first crib we originally looked at. I decided to go with all white furniture. Now we just just have to find everything else!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Daddy

This was taken while we were registering at Babies R Us. Dan picked out his own baby carrier. I am a fan of the moby wrap myself, but he said that's not manly enough.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Registry!

Well we are in the process of registering at Babies R Us.  Wow is there ever a lot of things to pick out.  We were there for 2-3 hours and didn't even get halfway through the store.  We got stuck at strollers and car seats.  Too many options!  

So the registry is up even though it's not finished yet.  The number is 47106813 or you can search by name.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Commence Third Trimester

I had another appointment today, this time it was with the new midwife who is a Witness. I have yet to warn her that if she is the one who ends up delivering my baby I can not be held responsible for any curse words uttered while in the delivery room and I apologize in advance. I'm sure she has heard it all before anyway.

So I am 28 weeks but the baby is measuring 26 weeks. Which means I need to cut back on the carbs, goodbye 3 bowls of cereal a day, and increase the protein intake. She said think like an athlete: eggs, sausage, bacon, steak... Can't i just add chicken to my cereal or something?

I just gagged a little.

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Look

I've been having a lot of fun changing the look of my blogs. got a makeover as well!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

25 Weeks

Here is the growing belly!  I cropped my head out because I was making a silly face.

I had another visit with the midwife today.  Pretty standard stuff, pee in a cup/all over your hands, blood pressure, weight (I've gained 11 lbs).  The office hired a new midwife so she came in to meet with me and chat.  She took one look at my chart and goes, "oh which Kingdom Hall do you go to?  When is your convention?  Mines at the end of August."  It completely caught me off guard!  But it's neat to think the baby might get delivered by a Witness.  It was also comforting to think she might be around if there is any sort of blood issue.


Dan and I couldn't resist buying this lion.