Wednesday, September 21, 2011

40 Weeks and 5 Days Later

She is here! Most everyone knows this already but just in case:

Isabella Blu Hudson
Born 9/17/11 at 10:38 PM
19.5 in long
7 lbs 10 ounces
Apgar Score: 8 @ 1 min 9 @ 5 min (bragging here)

We went to the pediatrician today to get our first check up. Surprise! She is perfectly healthy. And he said she is "not just family cute". Meaning even people outside of our family will think she is cute. We definitely learned we do not like the pediatricians office today though. Being poked and prodded wearing only a diaper is the worst. But all is well now.

Time for pictures!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

40 week Check Up

The midwife said she thinks it will happen sometime this week. If not I'll be induced in two weeks. Really hoping it doesn't get to that.

She also said the baby feels about 6 lbs 13 ounces. I don't know how she can possibly know that just by feeling my stomach. Although I also don't know how she can tell other things just by sticking her fingers elsewhere (you know what I'm talking about). It's all amazing to me.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Day Away!

Sorry if you have texted or emailed me the past couple days and I was slow to respond. I've been getting lit up lately and conveniently decided to "forget" my phone at home :)

So to answer everyone's questions, I'm feeling really good. No the baby isn't coming yet, but trust me, I won't hide it from anyone. Everyone will know when it's time :)

Also lily was cuddling with the belly the other day and I thought it was super cute!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

11 Days and Counting

It's September 1st!

I know I'm getting close to my due date because the loaf of bread I bought today expires right before it.  It's the best way to judge how close something is, when your groceries have that day (or near that day) as their expiration date.

I think we found the babies pediatrician finally.  Talk about doing things last minute.  His name is Dr. Steven Elliott and he is with Piedmont Pediatrics.  He looks super goofy in his picture on the website but I assure you he is perfectly normal looking in real life.  We met with him today and I really liked his manner.  Dan and he even rivaled their sports teams a little (I don't think that sentence was correct but I'm going with it anyway).  So that is a load off.

Been trying to whittle down my list of a hundred things to do.  Finding a pediatrician was a big one, I'm getting through the ridiculous amount of book keeping there is for the business, the house is slowly getting neater and cleaner (it's hard to bend over and scrub a tub when your 9 months!), Sydney is spayed, the mountain of laundry is now a hill, and I have at least watched some of the birthing video we bought so I'm not completely unprepared.  Hooray light at the end of the tunnel!

Then, of course, the baby comes and there are a thousand things to do.